Your First Step

The first step is the start of something new. It signals a fresh start or new beginning. The first step is usually the hardest but once you decide to take it, then you have advanced forward in your journey. You need to take your first step if you want to change your life for the better.

How Financial Literacy Can Change Your Life

Reading Time: 3 minutesAre you constantly worried about money?  How is your financial situation during the lockdown? Are you struggling to make ends meet? Do you have enough savings to go through this pandemic? Are you struggling to meet debt obligations?  Are you living from paycheck to paycheck? Do you feel that your salary is not enough to cover your monthly expenses? 

How Financial Literacy Can Change Your Life Read More »

10 Must Have Items in a Woman’s Wardrobe

Reading Time: 4 minutesOur world is now getting used to the new normal, where more people will be working from home and less people will be going out unless truly necessary. Consumers’ spending habits are also changing. According to a New York Times report, retail sales plummeted on apparel goods.  People would now rather buy essentials such as health, self-care and

10 Must Have Items in a Woman’s Wardrobe Read More »

Your First Step

Your First Step

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe first step is the start of something new. It signals a fresh start or new beginning. The first step is usually the hardest but once you decide to take it, then you have advanced forward in your journey. You need to take your first step if you want to change your life for the

Your First Step Read More »

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