mind body connection

Spring Clearing Challenge

Spring Clearing Challenge

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The Spring Clearing Challenge is an annual practice in many households all around the world. Different cultures have different names for it. It is also practiced at different times of the year, usually during holidays or when the weather changes. Of course, not everyone views it as a challenge. But isn’t it challenging work to clean out stuff in our homes and in our lives, whatever season it may be?

There are many stages in our lives where we practice “spring clearing” to rid ourselves of past negative energies that are weighing us down. The end of the month is as good a time as any to do some spring clearing.

Spring Clearing Challenge

For this challenge, instead of just cleaning out our space physically; we will do a clearing up of negative energies. Remember that our mind and body are connected. Our thoughts, emotions and physical health influence each other. So clearing up one aspect will help improve the others.

Take Time to Meditate

Find a spot at home to sit awhile for a meditation. Make yourself as comfortable as possible and try to calm your mind and relax your body. If you are just starting out, focusing on your inhales and exhales is the only thing you need to do so you don’t get distracted.

Ask yourself, “Where would I want to be to feel completely relaxed and refreshed?” Allow your imagination to take you to that place. Picture yourself relaxing there and try to enjoy all aspects of that moment with all of your senses. Taking the time to relax your senses helps you feel lighter so you can better focus on what needs to be done.

In this way, you can slowly clear up the things that are piling up around you, mentally, physically or emotionally. By doing this spring clearing challenge; you can prepare yourself for a fresh start on your goals.

Practice Mindfulness

Can’t sit still enough or can’t find the time for a meditation? Then start practicing mindfulness. Try to be aware of the little things in your daily life; the small actions that you do throughout your day. Are you eating your favorite dessert? Savor the taste. Are you enjoying the smell of a new book? Tune your senses to that moment.

Ask yourself, “What makes this activity so pleasant or pleasurable?” Finding the answer to this question helps you get to know yourself better. It helps you better understand what things make you happy and allows you to plan for more moments like this.

By understanding what motivates and triggers you; you can better take control of your own actions and reactions to negative circumstances. Reacting mindlessly to negative situations is one of the biggest ways to waste our time and drain our energy. So being able to manage yourself in these situations allows you to focus on what you should be working on. It also helps you figure out how to deal with toxic people and not become a toxic person yourself. So you can focus your attention on the people you love and cherish instead.

Let Your Feelings Go

You may be carrying a lot of emotional stress because of past traumatic experiences, like losing a loved one. You may have regrets about not being able to apologize to someone. Or you maybe struggling to forgive someone. Instead of bottling everything up, why not let it all go?

Ask yourself, “How do I really feel about the situation/person?”. Crying is not weakness. It is a necessary process to start your healing process. Many of us go through our daily lives like zombies because we refuse to deal with our feelings and confront them. We end up becoming numb to other emotional experiences as well.

Find the time to be alone and cry if you have to. If you need to write down your thoughts and feelings while you’re crying, then do so. Maybe you want to watch sad kdramas or movies while eating ice cream; go ahead. You need to feel what you feel and acknowledge it. Of course, you will feel bad at first, but that is the only way you can release all those burdens in order for you to start feeling better about it.

Envision a New You

Clearing out your life should be for a purpose. It is natural for us to strive for a goal in order to have a direction in life. Otherwise, you will just be living your life on auto-pilot and never feel fulfilled with anything that you do even if you accomplish much.

Ask yourself, “How do I want my life to look like in 3 years, 5 years, 10 years from now?”. Make plans for yourself so you can start acting on something you truly want. This is your signal to the Universe so that you can be guided in the right direction.

Create a vision board, write down a bucket list of how you want your life to be. Don’t be afraid to go big and be ambitious. Of course, you have to be prepared to work for these goals so make sure they are SMART goals.

Many people don’t want to start working on their goals because they are afraid to fail. Remember that failure is part of the process to success. Unless you fail, you will never learn which means you will be stuck doing the same thing over and over again without moving forward. Treat failure as a learning process instead of an end result. Welcome the challenges into your experience; like this spring clearing challenge. They are good experiences to help you grow.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun

Do you start the day with a smile? Maybe you still feel groggy from a lack of sleep. But try to face the mirror with a smile and see how it lifts up your mood. Try to smile back at people too and express your gratitude so you can lift up their mood. You never know how your small gesture can make another person’s day brighter and more pleasant. A genuine smile can completely change a person’s negative outlook in life and even make them feel more hopeful.

Ask yourself, “What can I do today to make things more fun (for me or for someone else)?Having fun on your own may sound boring for you. Doing it with somebody else can make the goal even more worthwhile.

Taking life too seriously is one of the major causes of stress in our daily lives. Worrying endlessly about the what-ifs exhausts us mentally and emotionally. By focusing on the positive aspects of any situation; you can feel less stressed about it and enjoy the whole experience instead.

These are just some of the things that you can do to start spring clearing your mind, your emotions and your physical environment. This spring clearing challenge is not just for spring though. You can do this anytime you feel the need to clear out negative energy from your self or in your environment. Try to start spring clearing today and see how much better you will feel afterwards.

Feature Image: Original Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Spiritual, 0 comments
How to Cope with Traumatic Events

How to Cope with Traumatic Events

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Dealing with everyday stress has become a normal part of our daily lives. Sometimes, we are put into situations that are more stressful than what we usually encounter. How are we to cope with such traumatic events?

If you or any of your loved ones are experiencing this or have experienced this, then these tips should be helpful in your recovery.

Common Reactions to Traumatic Events

A traumatic experience commonly results in having distressing thoughts and feelings long after the event has passed. These reactions are common and may include the following:

  • Anxiety or fear of danger to self or loved ones
  • Avoiding situations or thoughts that remind you of the event
  • Always thinking about what happened
  • Anger at what happened
  • Feeling doubt or guilt for not being able to do something about it
  • Being easily startled by loud noises or sudden movements
  • Sudden flashbacks of the event
  • Physical reactions such as tense muscles, trembling, nausea, headache, tiredness, etc.
  • Withdrawing from the usual activities
  • Feelings of sadness, loss or loneliness
  • Sleep problems, sleep walking, nightmares
  • Problems with concentration or remembering things

How to Cope with Traumatic Events

Acceptance, communication and being around supportive people are important in the recovery process. Here are some tips to help you deal with your anxieties.

1. Understand that It’s Not Your Fault

Most people end up blaming themselves for causing what happened or for not being able to prevent what happened. You have to understand and realize that the only thing you have control of is your own reaction. So you can’t blame yourself for what other people did that resulted in the event.

If you think you did something wrong which resulted or aggravated the event, understand that you did the best you could in that situation. People’s reactions to your action are not under your control. You all might have misunderstood each other’s intentions and that’s how things got out of hand.

Accept that you and everyone involved did what they did because it was how they coped with the situation at that time. Realize that things are not always under your control or anyone else’s.

BONUS: It is good to remind yourself that there are things that you cannot control. Things will keep happening even without the intervention of us human beings.

2. Continue Communicating

Another common reaction is to withdraw from social interactions. It’s okay to give yourself time to calm down and rest after the situation. However, don’t completely shut yourself off from communicating with your family and friends.

It is during this time that you need the presence of other people most. They can help you get out of your head so you don’t dwell too much on thoughts and feelings of blame, shame, guilt and self-doubt. They can also help you assess whether you need to seek professional help if your trauma is negatively affecting your life and those around you.

Communicating with your inner self is also helpful during this period. Write down your thoughts and feelings throughout the day when you are feeling anxious. Try to review what you wrote when you are in a calmer state of mind. You can also review this with someone, whether a loved one or a professional, so they can help you figure out how to manage your anxious thoughts and reactions.

BONUS: Meditation is a helpful way to calm your thoughts and relax your body so you can communicate with yourself and with others more effectively.

3. Learn to Care for Yourself

We often forget that our mind and body are connected. If we are anxious and stressed out with negative thoughts, our body also suffers. Taking care of your body is an important part of your recovery. Focusing on good health is one way on how to cope with traumatic events.

Try to listen to your body. It always knows what it needs. Feed it when it feels hungry, drink to hydrate, go out and enjoy the sunshine as you walk to warm up and energize. You may even try to use your body to help improve your thoughts. For example, you may dress differently so that you feel more confident about yourself.

Part of caring for yourself is to have fun instead of dwelling on your anxious thoughts. You can do fun things at home or have some fun in your backyard. A simple activity such as writing down the things that you are grateful for can greatly help ease your negative thoughts and make you feel better.

BONUS: Practicing mindfulness is one way to become more connected and be aware of how you can care for yourself more.

4. Start Looking Forward

How are you to cope with traumatic events if you keep looking back at it? You have to accept that what happened is all in the past now and that you can move on from it. Try replacing your anxious thoughts with more pleasant ones.

Play the “what if” game with yourself or with family members and friends. Focus on pleasant scenarios such as finding your dream job, buying your dream house, getting yourself that car you’ve always wanted. What if you got your dream job? What’s the first thing that you will do? How will your life change for the better?

Try to come up with fun and positive scenarios to answer these questions. No matter how ridiculous the answers are, the point is to have fun imagining the future and to imagine a fun future instead of dwelling on the past.

BONUS: You can even create a vision board as your answer.

5. Give Yourself Time to Recover

Recovering from a trauma is a healing process and it is a long process. Just like healing from a broken arm takes time, proper care, some sacrifices (not being able to do your regular activities), and help from others for some activities; emotional traumas need a lot of time for healing too.

While it is easier to see that a broken arm is completely healed; it is hard to tell when it comes to emotional traumas. They are like hidden wounds in the body that we think are already healed and have turned into scars. But once in a while, when we think we have gone back to our normal lives, something triggers the scar to open up again.

Remember, it’s okay to not be okay. So don’t rush yourself but don’t dwell too long in the negative thoughts and feelings that may come up when your memories about a past trauma is triggered. Although your aim is to completely recover, no one can tell when this will happen. So focus on dealing with it as it comes along.

As you learn more from your experience, you will be able to identify what triggers your traumatic anxieties. This will help you to manage your thoughts and reactions when such situations come up again. Trust that one day you will wake up having completely recovered from your traumatic experience.

BONUS: During the process, you will have mastered your own thoughts and reactions to deal with regular events in your daily life so you feel less stress and anxiety.

Feature Image: Original Photo by Inzmam Khan from Pexels.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Emotional, 0 comments
Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Home

Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Home

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The home should be the place where we feel safe and secure. It is also the place where we let out all our stress and emotional baggage. It’s not surprising that stagnant or negative energy may build up in our homes. This can make us feel down, fatigued, and even make us sick. How do you get rid of negative energy in your home? Here are some tips.

Open the Windows

Air out all the negative energy in your house one room at a time by opening the windows to let fresh air come through. While you’re at it, shake out your pillows and blankets to recirculate any stagnant energy around them. Try to breathe in the fresh air too to get rid of negative energy not just in your home but in your body as well.

Wipe Down, Wipe Out

Regularly wipe down surfaces in your home to clean and disinfect them but also to wipe out the negative energy in the room. It doesn’t only keep your home safe and clean, it also detoxifies you mentally and physically as it can be therapeutic and a good workout. Do the 15-minute cleaning routine daily to maintain the cleanliness of your home.

Burn Some Incense

Incense has long been used to clean and purify any space of negative energy. This is used in temples and even churches to this day. The most popular one used for this purpose is sage. You can use sage incense sticks or sage smudge wands and use the smoke to get rid of negative energy in your home. It would be great if you could do this for every room in the house. Have the windows open while doing this so the smoke detector in your house isn’t activated.

Remove or Repair Broken Items

Broken things that are stuck around the house bring stagnant, negative energy into your home. Each time an item is broken, immediately set aside time to have it fixed so they don’t take space while remaining unused. If it can’t be repaired, then get rid of it immediately.

Remove Clutter Immediately

Doesn’t it feel good after you’ve cleaned your desk? Clutter can make you feel tired and stressed so try to banish clutter from your life by regularly decluttering your space. Get rid of negative energy in your home by cleaning as you go each time you use a room.

Spray Orange Essential Oil

The smell of orange is not only refreshing, it also helps to lift the mood. Mix some orange essential oil in water and use it to spray around the house. You can also use it on your regular diffuser to elevate the mood in any space. Not only will you get rid of the negative energy in your home; it will make your space smell fresh too.

Ring a Bell in Each Room

This is a simple way to move bad energy out of any space. Ring a bell in each corner of a room and the doorways in your home. You can also use a singing bowl to do so. The sound waves will help get rid of the negative energy accumulating in your home.

Salt the Corners of Each Room

Salt can be used to ward off negative energy as well as to absorb negative energy. Put some salt in the four corners of your rooms and let it sit for 48 hours. You can vacuum it or sweep it away and throw it out to get rid of negative energy in your home.

Protect your Space with Crystals

Crystals have been used since ancient times to ward off negative energy and to enhance positive energy. Black Tourmaline is especially known to ward off and dissolve negative energy. Keep this close to electronic devices to protect you from the negative effects of electromagnetic exposure. Other crystals also help to get rid of negative energy in your home with various effects.

Live with Plants

Having living, healthy plants around your home is one sure way to invite more positive energy into your home. Make sure you water them as needed and place them in spots where they are most suitable. Some plants require a lot of sunlight while others can thrive in the shade. Certain plants also help to naturally purify the air and freshen up the look of your living space.

Finally, the most important tip to ensure that your home does not accumulate negative energy is to be full of positive energy yourself. Remember the mind-body connection? Your thoughts influence your physical state but your environment affects how you think and feel too.

Keep yourself in a positive state of mind all the time so you don’t contribute to the negative energy in your own home. It is also easier for you to notice if there is negative energy in your home if you are in a positive state. This means, you can get rid of negative energy as soon as possible too.

Launch Challenge

Your challenge is to launch into action and do any of these tips or a combination of these for a whole month. See which ones are more effective for your lifestyle. The bigger challenge is to develop the habit of regularly clearing out your space of negative energy so you can work on your dreams in a positive space that helps you maintain a positive mindset and attract more positive experiences into your life.

Featured Image: Original Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Environmental, 0 comments
The Mind-Body Connection

The Mind-Body Connection

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You felt sick. You went to the doctor and for some reason, your medical results indicate that everything is perfectly normal. And the doctor’s diagnosis is stress. To be well again, you just need to learn how to manage stress. Did this thing ever happen to you? Well, this is because stress, health and your overall wellness are all connected. This is what you call the mind-body connection.

Mind-Body Connection

Our thoughts and emotions greatly influenced our health. Our whole body, each part, every organ and its functions, all system and its processes are controlled by neurotransmitters coming from the brain. Thus, everything that is on our mind directly influences our body because our body only interprets and reacts to messages coming from the brain. In short, our intellectual and emotional health directly influence our physical health.

The mind body connection tells us that the physical state of our body is a direct result of our attitudes, beliefs, feelings, thoughts and mindsets. Because of this connection, what we do with our body such as the food that we eat, the numbers of hours we sleep and exercise, the water that we drink even our posture also influences our mental well-being.

To put this into perspective, take the mind and the body as one entity rather than two different parts. What you do with one will influence the other and vice versa.

Mind-Body Therapies

Mind body therapies are activities or practices that promote healing, induce relaxation, enhance positivity and improves overall health and general well being. These activities include the following.

  • Acupunture
  • Aromatherapy
  • Creative Arts (art, music and dance)
  • Group Support
  • Hypnosis
  • Imagery
  • Massage
  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Qigong
  • Relaxation
  • Tai chi
  • Yoga

The mind and the body are like parallel universes. Anything that happens in the mental universe must leave tracks in the physical one.

– Deepak Chopra

So, always remember to think positive thoughts!

Feature Image from Okan Caliskan from Pixabay Images

Posted by A.L. Jonas in Physical, 0 comments