Life Rules

Rules pertain to a set of guiding principles that tells or states the way things should be done. Without rules, there will be no order. Rules protect the status quo. As social beings, we need to follow the rules of the community and the laws of the country. As individuals, we also follow our own set of life rules.

The 80/20 Principle

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn a perfect world, 100% of your effort will bring about 100% of your desired result. Unfortunately, that is not the case. The world is not perfect. Life is unfair. In life, percentage input does not equal to the percentage output. This universal truth about the imbalance of inputs and outputs became known as the

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7 Rules to A Happy Life

Rules to A Happy Life

Reading Time: 4 minutesLiving a happy life seems like a simple goal but in reality, the journey is quite complicated. Depending on where you are in life; you will have a different set of rules that you follow to you can achieve your goals. Everyone has their own path to happiness but these 7 rules to a happy

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Life Rules

Reading Time: 2 minutesRules pertain to a set of guiding principles that tells or states the way things should be done. Without rules, there will be no order. Rules protect the status quo. Social Rules As social beings, we need to follow the rules of the community and the laws of the country. We, as people, choose the

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