
Different Smarts: What is Your Intelligence Type?

Different Smarts: What is Your Intelligence Type?

Reading Time: 4 minutesEver wondered what your intelligence type is? What kind of intelligent are you? What kind of “smarts” do you have? We usually divide ourselves into book smart or street smart. One is based mostly on the academic way of learning. The other is based on learning from experiences. There are actually different types of intelligences. […]

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Religion and Spirituality: Is There A Difference?

Religion and Spirituality: Is There A Difference?

Reading Time: 2 minutesWhat is the difference between spirituality and religion? Spirituality and religion are different concepts; but they often get confusing. We often end up describing our religious beliefs and practices when talking about our spirituality. Their purpose and practices can overlap and crossover, but they do have some basic differences. Institutional vs Individual Religion, by definition,

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Are you spiritually well?

Are You Spiritually Well?

Reading Time: 3 minutesYou take care of your body. You have a great career and you are doing great financially. Even your relationships with the people around you are harmonious. Can you consider yourself truly “healthy”? While these dimensions of wellness are all equally important, there is one type of wellness that is often overlooked. That is spiritual

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What Makes a Good Life?

Reading Time: 2 minutesEveryone wants to be happy. There is no argument about that. The question is, what will make you happy? If happiness is your ultimate life goal, where will you spend most of your time and energy? Will you focus on gaining financial abundance, good health, strong relationship, successful career or prestige and power? What do

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