financial growth

Life-Changing Books on Wealth and Success

Life-Changing Books on Wealth and Success

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Your first step towards wealth is not some rocket science. All you need is to develop some good habits. Habits are things that you continually do on a regular basis.  Highly successful people have daily success habits. These habits are what made them successful. So, If your goal is to become rich, you must learn to adopt some rich habits. One of these habits is to read life-changing books on wealth and success.

Tom Corley, author of the bestselling book Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals stated that out of all the habits of the rich and highly successful people, the most significant difference between the habits of the rich and the poor is their reading habits. According to him, about 88% of the wealthy read at least 30 minutes a day while only 2% of the poor do.

The more you read, the more things you know. The more you learn, the more places you will go.

Dr. Seuss

Highly successful people read a lot. Warren Buffet reads 600-1000 pages a day. Bill Gates reads about 50 books a year. Mark Zuckerberg reads a book once every two weeks. These people do not just read anything. According to Tom Corley, successful people read to learn. They read books on self-improvement, success, business and their industries. They also read biographies and autobiographies of other successful people. The poor on the other hand, read to be entertained.

If you want to become rich and successful; begin by reading. Do not just read anything, read books that will help you grow as a person. Through reading financial books, you will be able to learn so many things about money and how money works. A better understanding of money will give you enough tools that can help you make good financial decisions in your daily lives.

Life Changing Books on Wealth and Success for Beginners

There are millions of success books out there. For beginners, I would like to recommend five life-changing books on financial literacy and success. Read them. Study them and apply them in your life. Hopefully by doing so, these books will serve as catapult and inspiration in your journey towards a wealthier, healthier and happier you.

8 Secrets of the Truly Rich by Bo Sanchez

If reading is not your cup of tea, there is no better better way to start developing your reading habits than through this book. Preacher and best-selling author Bo Sanchez has mastered the art of story telling. No long descriptions. No lengthy paragraphs. It is written humorously so there is never a dull moment. This is the best book to start not only your reading habit but also my journey towards financial freedom.

This book is very inspirational. Bo Sanchez challenged some people’s negative beliefs about money. A lot of Christians grew up with several crazy religious beliefs such as the rich cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven and the come what may attitude in the sense that some people rely on God too much and they fail to do their part. For the longest time, people were made to believe that wealth and spirituality don’t mix just like oil and water.

Bo Sanchez wants the people to stop blaming others and instead be totally responsible for your own success. He placed the context of money and success as part of God’s plan. God wants you to be wealthy because He wants you to have the ability to help others. It is difficult to help others if you are poor.

Money is not dirty. Instead, money with the right purpose will do wonders for the world. it also put emphasis on the importance of doing your part as opposed to waiting for God’s blessings to come  your way. The road to financial freedom needs commitment. It also involves raising your financial IQ.  

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

First published in 1938 during the Great Depression, this book is considered to be the most influential book of all time. Its author Napoleon Hill is said to have motivated millions of people into success than any other person in history.   

As a journalist, Napoleon Hill was given an assignment to interview one of the richest man in history and said to be the most powerful man in the world during that time, industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Andrew Carnegie refused to directly answer Napoleon Hill’s questions. Instead, he commissioned Napoleon Hill to interview over 500 millionaires to find the common success formula that will help the average person overcome the great economic depression of that time. Napoleon Hill spent 20 years researching and interviewing successful people such as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, John Rockefeller and Theodore Roosevelt.

If Bo Sanchez was able to convince you to want to become rich, then Napoleon Hill will guide you and give you the initial steps you need to take on how to become successful. According to Hill, success is a product of your mind.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.

Napoleon Hill

You need to know what you want to achieve and be committed in achieving it. Life only gives you what you ask for – whether it be riches, happiness, love and success. The book is basically an account of how to develop the correct mindset to gain success and accumulate riches.  

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret is basically a reinforcement of Napoleon Hill’s teaching on the power of the mind. Rhonda Byrne elaborates on the power of positive thinking. Thoughts are powerful. Just like The Law of Attraction, we attract things that we focus on.We attract positive things when we focus on the positive and in the same way, we attract more negative things if what we only think about is how miserable our life is.

For example, you are going to take an exam. If you are going to focus on how hard the exam will be, you are not helping yourself a bit. Instead of focusing on how hard the exam will be; think of ways to prepare yourself for the exam. Study well so that when the day of the exam comes, you are prepared.  By shifting your focus from the negative to the positive, instead of being helpless, you become in control.

Although bombarded by critics because of its metaphysical claims that anything you think about or focus on will come true; in a way, this book actually gives hope to people in hardships and in pain. Instead of dwelling on your pain, Rhonda Byrne encourages optimism and love. Our life is the product of our thoughts. Change your thoughts and you change your life.

All that we are is a result of what we have thought. 


If your mind is now filled with positive thoughts and you now have a burning desire to change your life as encouraged by Rhonda Byrne, you are now ready for Robert Kiyosaki’s financial management lessons.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

Rich Dad, Poor Dad has been dubbed numerous times as the number one finance book of all time with millions of copies sold. In the book Robert Kiyosaki talks about his two dads who are both successful in their careers. The main difference between his two fathers is that his real father put importance on academic intelligence while his rich father put importance on financial intelligence.   

His biological father has a doctorate degree in two prestigious universities in Hawaii. He earned a considerable amount of income in his lifetime yet he was always struggling financially. He left debts to be paid upon his death.

His second father, the father of his bestfriend, never finished eighth grade. However, he was one of the richest man in Hawaii leaving millions of dollars to his family and to several charities upon his death.

The book attracted a lot of controversies because it critiques and enumerates the flaws of the current educational system. Robert Kiyosaki challenges the conventional teachings of middle class family of studying hard to get grades so that you can have a good job, climb your way up to the corporate ladder and save along the way.  

Kiyosaki will open your eyes to a world from a different perspective. He stressed the importance of financial literacy by explaining key concepts in finance such as assets and liabilities and passive income versus earned income. For him, it is important that you do not become a slave of money but instead learn how to make money work for you.

The Secrets of a Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

If your are ready for the next level which is to take action, then the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind  by T. Harv Eker is the book for you. This book is meant to be applied in your life. T. Harv Eker provides a step-by-step guide in identifying your old thinking and changing it into a millionaire’s mind. 

To master the inner game of wealth, T. Harv Eker, suggested several exercises or challenges for you to do in the wealth files. He also emphasized the importance of declarations in changing your mindset. One particular challenge is if you are a complainer, you are not supposed to utter a word of complaint in 7 days. By following the activities, you will slowly adopt the millionaire mind.

One of the most effective ways to change your financial life that the author recommends that  you apply in your life is under the wealth file on how the rich handles their money. According to the author, poor people have a tendency to mismanage their money. He recommends using the money jar budgeting system as a a budgeting technique. A lot of testimonies were written on how their net worth improved drastically by simply following T. Harv Eker’s advices.

Other Books on Wealth and Success

Other titles that are worth reading include:

  • Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins 
  • Chicken Soup for the Soul Series by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen 
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  • My Maid Invests in the Stock Market … and Why You Should, Too! by Bo Sanchez 
  • Rich Habits:  The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals by Thomas Corley 
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
  • The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene 
  • The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  • The Automatic Millionaire:  A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich by David Bach 
  • The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
  • The Intelligent Investor:  The Definitive Book on Value Investing by Benjamin Graham, Jayson Zweig and Warren Buffet
  • The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko
  • The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason 
  • The Slight Edge: Turning Simple Disciplines into Massive Success and Happiness by Jeff Olson

Your learning journey will open up a whole new world of ideas for you.  However, reading is not enough. Remember that you also need to be able to apply these new insights in your life.

Happy reading!

Updated version. First published in Pinoy Smart Living 08.15.2016

Feature Image: Free-Photos from Pixabay

Posted by A.L. Jonas in Intellectual, 0 comments
How Financial Literacy Can Change Your Life

How Financial Literacy Can Change Your Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Are you constantly worried about money?  How is your financial situation during the lockdown? Are you struggling to make ends meet? Do you have enough savings to go through this pandemic? Are you struggling to meet debt obligations?  Are you living from paycheck to paycheck? Do you feel that your salary is not enough to cover your monthly expenses?  Are your financial worries so stressful that they are already gravely affecting all aspects of your life including your health and personal relationships? Well, there is a solution to your problem. That is, a basic understanding of finance. Financial literacy can change your life for the better.

What will you do when you have money problems? Most people will look for ways to earn more money by sacrificing their time and health. They will either get a second job or work overtime just to raise the needed money. Other people will resort to borrowing money. However, not all loans are created equal. There are good loans and bad loans. Some loans like credit cards charge high interests and can easily spiral out of control especially if you don’t know how to use them. There are some who will simply rely on government support. While these strategies may help ease your financial burdens in the short term, it is not going to permanently solve your money issues in the long run.

There is only one solution to money problems and that is financial literacy. 

The single biggest difference between financial success and financial failure is how well you manage your money. It’s simple: to master money, you must manage money. –

T. Harv Eker

Financial literacy is essential in having a secure financial future. Unfortunately, financial literacy was never thought in school.  For most people, the yearning to learn financial literacy  only comes when they are already faced with financial crisis.

Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education. They’re both important and schools are forgetting one of them.

Robert Kiyosaki

So, what exactly is financial literacy?  Wikipedia defines financial literacy as ” the possession of the set of skills and knowledge that allows an individual to make informed and effective decisions with all of their financial resources”.  

In short, financial literacyis simply understanding money and how it works.  It is knowing how to budget, how to pay your bills, how to borrow money responsibly, how to save, invest and prepare for retirement.  Financial literacy will help you make good financial decisions in your everyday life that will ultimately affect your overall financial situation and change your life for the better.

Working hard is simply not enough. You can be a graduate of a four-year course, have a master’s degree or even a doctorate degree but know nothing about personal finance. Even if you are earning millions, you can still end up poor if you know nothing about how money works. It is not about how much money you make but it is all about what you do with the money that you earn that matters. 

It is not about how much money you make. The question is are you educated enough to keep it.

Shaquille O’Neal 

More so, have you ever wondered why the rich is becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer? Contrary to popular belief, it is not because the rich are all crooks. Neither it is the government’s fault. If you want to know the answer to this question, invest your time in financial education and soon you will find out that the only thing that is stopping you from being wealthy is you.

Make your first step and start your journey towards financial literacy now.

And remember, financial literacy is a lifelong journey. It will not end by simply reading just one book.  It is something that you need to learn throughout your life if you want to achieve complete financial freedom.

Edited version. First published in Pinoy Smart Living 10.19.2018Feature Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Images

Posted by A.L. Jonas in Financial, 0 comments
The Money Jar Budgeting System

The Money Jar Budgeting System

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Do you want to grow your wealth? Then, the money jar budgeting system is for you. It is a system that helps you control your spending habits yet at the same time lets you grow your future wealth.

Most people dream of winning the lottery. However, did you know that according to several studies, 70% of lottery winners ended up broke within 5 years of winning? Similar studies also showed that the higher the amount of winnings, the higher the probability of getting bankrupt. 

Most lottery winners found themselves in even worse financial situation than before they became rich. So, where did it all go wrong? Lottery winners used the money they won to finance a bigger lifestyle. In short, they start to level up and increase their standards of living. They start to squander on depreciating assets such as luxury cars and extravagant vacations. They also start giving away so much money. This phenomenon is what you call a lifestyle creep.

People who started receiving a large amount of money has the tendency to squander on extravagant lifestyle and depreciating assets like luxury cars.

A lifestyle creep is a financial phenomenon wherein people suddenly find themselves with excess income and they are not prepared for it. They have no idea how to handle the excess money that they have. Suddenly, life seems more exciting and expensive. What used to be luxuries became necessities. Their spending increases as they begin to eat at fancy restaurants, own the latest gadgets, drive a brand new car and take more expensive vacations. The new spending habits then slowly develops into a lifestyle. It is creepy because the negative spending habits develop gradually and it is undetectable unless it is already a huge problem.  

Lifestyle creep is highly contagious. You can easily be influenced by the people around you, heightened by social media brought about by FOMO or fear of missing out. 

Unfortunately, it is experienced not just by lottery winners but also by people who received retirement and inheritance money, people who had just been promoted and those people who received an increase in salary. You have seen this happen to people around you and even possibly to yourself. 

Sadly, most people are not even aware that they are already victims of lifestyle creep. 

Does it mean that you have to continue living in the same standard as you were before even with an increase in income? Well, not really.

You can make lifestyle adjustments with an increase in income but there is a limit to it.

How to know the extent of allowable adjustments in lifestyle? The key is to have a spending plan or a budgeting technique. If you want to be wealthy, you need to set some financial goals. You need to make short-term sacrifices and stick to your money management system. You need to practice delayed gratification and opt to put your hard-earned income on investments first before spending them on liabilities. 


The money budgeting technique described below is actually a modified version of the Money Jar System, which was first introduced by T. Harv Eker, businessman and author of The Secrets of A Millionaire Mind. It is also an expanded version of the Abundance Formula (100=10-20-70) of best-selling author, entrepreneur and preacher Bo Sanchez.

The purpose of a budget system is for you to develop spending habits within your means and at the same time to lead you to future wealth and financial abundance.

It is called the Money Jar system because you can literally start by getting 6 jars and labeling them. In this budgeting technique, you need to divide your earned income into six (6) accounts:

1.  Give Account – 10%

As soon as you receive your income, your first expense should go to this account. You probably think that this is insane. Why do you need to give when you have barely enough to cover your expenses?

The purpose of giving is to put God FIRST in your life.

You need to acknowledge the fact that your gifts and talents all came from God. Giving or tithing is your way of saying thank you to God. More blessings will come your way if you learn to share your blessings. 

Do not give the excuse that you are going to start giving once your income increases. Giving is a state of mind. If you cannot let go of your 1,000 if you are earning 10,000, you will not be able to let go of your 100,000 if you are already earning 1 million. 

Why 10%? Several verses in the Bible talk about giving a tenth of your produce back to God.

Make an offering of 10%, a tithe, of all the produce which grows in your field year after year. – Deuteronomy 14:22

The give account can go to:

  •   Your church or spiritual community
  •   Your favorite charitable organisation
  •   A person in need
  •   As presents to relatives and friends on occasions

2.  Financial Freedom Account – 10%

Don’t you just want to wake up one morning wherein there is no need for you to go to work? You work only by choice and not because of necessity. Well, this account is your key.  It is your investment account. It is the most important account for the wealthy.

Financial freedom is the ability to live the lifestyle that you desire without having to work or rely on anyone else for money. – T. Harv Eker

Remember the story of the goose that lays the golden eggs? Well, this fund is your goose. Kill this fund and you kill your source of golden eggs. Do not commit the same mistake as the farmer. You shall NEVER EVER EVER spend this account.

Youtube Video from Anon Animation Ryhmes for Kids

Your financial freedom account can go to:

  • Stocks, Bonds or Funds
  • Business Investments
  • Real Estate Investments
  • Insurance

If you have debts, use this account to pay off all our debts first before you start investing. 

3.  Long Term Savings Account – 10%

This account is allotted for long term spending. This fund has the most flexibility because you can use it for anything in the future just in case you need it. It is your rainy day account or your emergency fund. It plays a major role in ensuring your long term financial success. Having money available when you need it can be a life saver.

Sample usage for your Long Term Savings Account:

  • Down payment for a house or a car
  • Your dream vacation
  • Hospital Expense
  • Tuition Fee Increase
  • House Repair
  • Your child’s birthday party

It is highly recommended that you set up a different savings account for this one. Set the account in such a way that it will be hard for you to withdraw money. For example, instead of an ATM account, open a passbook account. You can avail of an automatic save-up account being offered by banks.

4.  Education Account – 10%

You are your most valuable asset. You need to invest in yourself for you to grow. The more educated you are, the more career options you have. Read books. Attend seminars. Develop your gifts and talents.

It was said that this is one of the difference between the wealthy and poor. The poor people have big TVs while the rich have big libraries. That is because wealthy people put emphasis on continuous learning. In fact, about 88% of the wealthy read for at least 30 minutes each day for personal growth or for career development as opposed to only 2% of the poor.

Success is something that you attract, by the person you become. – Jim Rohn

5.  Play Account – 10%

This will probably be your favorite account – the FUN account. It is an account to spend however you want. Use this fund to pamper yourself. Get a massage. Eat at a plush restaurant. Go to a weekend getaway.  Watch a movie or a concert. Buy that latest gadget. You are allowed to shop until you blow this money away. A small indulgence can have a big psychological impact on your money morale.

So, if you want that expensive bag, sports car or luxury vacation, save up for it or increase your income first until it can fit in your 10% budget.

6.  Necessities Account – 50%

This account is for your everyday expenses. Included in this account are your bills, electricity, food, rent or mortgage, transportation, utilities, etc. If you cannot survive on 50%, that means you are living beyond your means. That is a clear signal that you need to simplify your lifestyle.

Follow this system and you will find yourself gradually increasing your wealth. It is going to be hard the first few years but it is all worth it.

First published in Pinoy Smart Living on 01.15.2019

Feature Image by Posted by A.L. Jonas in Financial, 0 comments

Rules to Double Your Money

Rules to Double Your Money

Reading Time: 3 minutes

It is nearly impossible to build your wealth by just relying on earned income. Warren Buffet advices that you need to create a second source of income. Savings alone is never enough for the value of your savings depreciates over time because of inflation. You need to learn to invest your money. Through investing, you are creating a way for your money to work for you. And before you know it, after a few years, your money will be doubled. Thus, it is for your own benefit to understand the rules to double your money.

There are many investment vehicles to choose from. A wise investment should beat inflation. It should also increase in value over time. Moreover, it should also help you achieve your financial goals

The Rule of 72

The Rule of 72 will come in handy if you want a quick way to estimate the returns of a particular investment. It is a simple way to find out how long it will take for your money to double given a fixed annual rate of return. It can help you determine how good (or not) a particular investment is.

Time to Double Your Investment  =   72 / Rate of Return

For example, if you are going to invest your money in a 2% return, that’s 72/2 = 36. It means that it would take 36 years for your money to double. A 3% return will take you 24 years, A 4% return will take 18 years and so on and so forth. 

Watch the video from Alliance Group for a simplified explanation of the Rule of 72.

This rule can be used not just in investment but in anything that grows at a compounded rate. That is the reason why it is also important that you understand the concept of Compound Interest.

Compound Interest

Compound interest can either be your best friend or your worst enemy.  It all depends on how you use it.  You can either gain from it or you can loose a lot because of it.  Your life can be much better or much worse than you already have.  It’s your choice.

What is compound interest?  Compound interest is the adding of interest to the interest earned on the principal amount.  In short, it is interest on interest.  The interest is reinvested again and again and added to the principal amount.  Because of this, the balance don’t just grow, it grows at an increasing amount.

Watch the Youtube video by Investopedia to better understand what compound interest is.

Compound interest can either be good or bad, depending on how you use it.  It can be good if you use it on savings or investments.  It can be bad, if you have debts.

Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world – Albert Einstein

If you understand the concept and take advantage of it, you can learn a lot from it.  The original amount that you have saved and invested will grow at a rapid rate.  An investment left untouched for a couple of years can add up even if you do not add anything later on.

Image Credit: thecalculatorsite

The chart above shows that supposed you invest $1,000 for 20 years and just leave it there, your money will grow up to $7,250 at 20% compounded annually even if you don’t add anything during that period.  This is high compared to $3,000 value of simple interest.

That is the power of compounding.  It will help you achieve wealth even if you don’t lift a finger.  Compound interest is one the main reason you should learn to invest your money. Make it your best friend and it will do wonders in your life.

On the other hand, compound interest can also work against you.  If you have debts, compound interest can become your worst nightmare.  In  the same way that savings can increase, debt can also increase at a rapid rate.

An example of this is credit card debt.  If you only pay the minimum amount due, interest charges are accrued.  By paying the minimum amount due, you are actually just paying a portion of the interest.  Instead of lessening, the principal amount remains the same and additional interests are added causing your debt to balloon.  If you keep this up, it will become problematic in the future.

Don’t make the mistake of making compound interest your worst enemy.

Updated Version. First Published in Pinoy Smart Living on 11.27.2018

Feature Image by Posted by A.L. Jonas in Financial, 0 comments