
Manage Your Energy Instead of Your Time

Manage Your Energy Instead of Your Time

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Most of us are always feeling like we don’t have the time for everything that needs to be done and the things that we want to do. When we do get the “free time” to do the things we want; we find that we don’t have the energy to do them anymore. We end up trying to get some rest instead.

Time vs Energy

Time and energy are both resources that we utilize in our daily lives. Most of us are not aware that they are different. Time is a finite source. We all have the same 24 hours to spend per day. It’s up to us how we spend it. Energy is not fixed. It comes and goes and how it fluctuates throughout the day is different for each individual.

For example, some people are more active in the morning while others prefer to do deep work in the afternoon or even deep into the night. How many of us have categorized ourselves as “morning persons” or “night owls”?

Your Energy Factors

Understanding the different energies that we have at our disposal will also help us get clearer on how our energy works and how we can manage them.

We have different energy centers. For our daily needs, our main energy factors can be categorized as follows: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.


This is the most fundamental energy resource that we have. It is affected by our sleep, what we eat, our water intake and what we do for exercise. If you don’t feel like getting up from bed when you wake up; then your day is already starting out really bad.

A basic factor in our physical health is our breath. If we don’t know how to breath properly, then we won’t be able to use our physical energy efficiently. So take the time to slow down and breath deeply to allow your body to relax. Regular exercise also helps us to breath deeper and increase our physical energy.

Make sure to drink lots of water and eat properly throughout the day. Eating properly means avoiding junkfood and instead focusing on foods that can provide you with optimum nutrition. Don’t let yourself go hungry but don’t get too full from eating either so you don’t end up sleepy.


How we feel throughout the day can greatly affect our productivity and the quality of our work. Our emotional energy can affect our own personal forecast for our whole day or our whole week. Just like with our physical body, we also need to regulate our emotional energy and take time to refuel it.

We all know that negative energy can make us feel down and stressed out so we end up unproductive. However, avoiding negative experiences and hiding from toxic people is not a good long-term strategy. Instead, acknowledging these situations is the first step to finding a solution.

How do you refuel from emotionally draining situations? Just go back to doing the things that you enjoy or the things that are deeply relaxing for you. For example, put on some upbeat music and just move your body if you love dancing. Or take the time to read a few pages of your favorite book to relax.


Our mental energy can deeply affect our concentration during work. If we don’t have enough mental energy; it will be hard for us to focus on the details of our work. It will also be hard to see how our work can contribute to the big picture; because we might not even be able to imagine the significance of it.

With low mental energy, our inner dialogue can also turn negative instead of optimistic. We will find it hard to focus on a conversation with a friend in the din of a cafeteria for example, when at other times, this response is almost automatic.

To refuel mentally, we need to manage what we consume mentally as well. Your choices will depend on the type of innate intelligence you have. What type of music and books do you consume? What topics do you browse on social media? What topics do you and your friends mostly talk about? Hopefully, they are all topics that help you motivate yourself to do better and give you a more optimistic view of the world. If you end up with more frustration and self-doubt from these experiences; then it’s time to rethink your choices.


Our spiritual energy has a lot to do with fulfilling our sense of purpose and our values. If our actions don’t align with our deepest core values and don’t align with our personal interest or life purpose; then we will find ourselves lacking the energy to do our work.

Just like all the other factors, we also need to replenish our spiritual energy. We can do this by setting aside “alone time” for some reflection where we can further explore our values and purpose. This can be done through meditation, yoga, reading a good book, sound therapy and other things that can help you calm down and find your inner peace.

We can also replenish our spiritual energy by reaching to others and offering our time or assistance in some way. Spending time with our loved ones is also a fulfilling spiritual experience.

Managing Your Energy

It is important to learn your own energy patterns on a daily basis. This will allow you to identify what time of day you are most energetic and when you are in low battery mode. Keep track of your energy fluctuations in a journal. This way, you can finally figure out if you truly are a morning person or a night owl.

Once you do this, you can also schedule your activities according to your patterns. This might not be easy to do in an office setting but you can start to make small tweaks to your schedule first. Your goal is to be more productive than ever so that you won’t have any issues with your own work schedule.

As you may have noticed, each factor is interconnected, and external experiences impact our overall well-being. Nurturing relationships, social interactions, work-life balance, and financial stability are essential aspects to consider in maintaining optimal energy levels. By managing our energy effectively, we can enhance productivity, pursue our passions, and lead more fulfilling lives.

Feature Image: Original Photo by Yingchih on Unsplash.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Occupational, 0 comments
The Chakras: Your Energy Centers

The Chakras: Your Energy Centers

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The chakras are your energy centers. Most of us have heard about the chakras and may even be familiar with some of them. There are different models or concepts of the chakra systems. The most well-known chakra system has 7 energy centers and is mostly used in yoga exercises. Based on Human Design, there are 9 energy centers in the human body. This is because some of the chakras were split into 2 which expanded their meanings into more specific functions.

What are Chakras?

Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” or disc that represents the energy points or energy hubs of the body. This is where you manage your own energy or life energy as well as the energies around you. The 7 main ones are located along the spine starting from the base up to the crown of the head. They are located in the astral body (or our energy body) and that is why we cannot see them or touch them. However, some people can feel them responding to certain stimuli or experiences at different points in their life journey.

Each chakra radiates its own color and energy and relates to specific aspects of our lives. They also coincide with specific glands or organs in the body. That’s why when they are blocked; we often experience illness in the specific organ related to it. This is why it is important to learn how to manage and balance your energy and how to protect yourself from unwanted external energy.

The 9 Chakras or Energy Centers

There are 9 energy centers in the Human Design Bodygraph which also includes the 7 chakras with 2 chakras split into 2. In Human Design, we have different energy types which depend on which energy centers are defined or open and through which energy channels they flow through. Your energy centers also help you fulfill your role in life based on your design.

Defined energy centers (colored in the Bodygraph) means that that energy center can provide you with consistent energy which you can rely on. Open energy centers (white in the Bodygraph) means that the energy is coming from outside and you can’t rely on it because it is not your energy.

HEAD CENTER (Pressure Center)

This is the top triangle in the bodygraph. It is where the mental pressure to think is located. It is also the center for inspiration, ideas and willpower. This center has the energy to think through your doubts and have an interesting perspective.

If it is open in your bodygraph, then this center takes on and amplifies the thoughts of others which can make you feel overwhelmed. It pressures you into doing things that are not actually your concern. To avoid this situation, you need to use your own personal strategy to evaluate which ideas are yours and which are from others.

AJNA CENTER (Awareness Center)

This is also called the Mind Center is the 2nd triangle in the bodygraph. It is the center for how you think, for ideas, conceptualization and analysis, as well as thoughts and insights. This allows you to feel confident about your opinions and have a consistent way of viewing information. This is also where the third eye is located.

When open, you will feel pressure to commit to a fixed opinion which may result in anxiety about the inconsistency of your opinions. This compels you to overcompensate by giving others an impression of certainty. However, you do not have to have a fixed opinion on anything. You can always keep an open mind and have a different perspective about things as you learn more.

THROAT CENTER (Manifestation Center)

The top square in the bodygraph and the center for communication and the manifestation of ideas. This is where all energy in the body is expressed, usually in a fixed and consistent way. This is why it is considered the center of manifestation, transmutation and transformation because whatever you say becomes reality.

If undefined or open, you can have an inconsistent voice. You can feel anxious before you feel pressured to speak. You maybe compelled to say or express something just to relieve the pressure on your throat. If this is you, then keep in mind that it is okay to pause and just listen. Don’t be pressured to fill the silence unless you really want something to say.

G CENTER (Identity Center)

The diamond on the bodygraph, it is the self center or identity center. It represents a fixed sense of self and expresses love in a stable and consistent way. It is also the center for guiding your direction in life.

When undefined, you feel inconsistent in your self and identity, compelling you to adapt to changing situations. You may feel that you need to hold unto a specific identity to get some sense of security. You may even suffer from “impostor syndrome”. Instead of trying to define yourself; don’t force yourself into a box and spend more time with people who are supportive of your insecurities and accept you for who you are.

HEART CENTER (Motor Center)

The small triangle on the bodygraph, it is a motor center as well as the center for ego, willpower and values. This is where you feel that you are making healthy commitments but it can also make you appear stubborn or assertive to other people.

An undefined heart center can make you feel pressured to prove yourself to others and to keep improving. This may also make you feel a lack of self-worth. Make sure that you don’t make promises that you’re not sure you can keep so you don’t burn out from doing things you don’t really want to.

SPLEEN CENTER (Awareness Center)

This is the left triangle on the bodygraph. It is the center for primal awareness, instinct, intuition, time consciousness and survival. The spleen center is connected to the lymphatic system and has its own sense of intuition. It functions to guide you in the moment. This is where your fight or flight instinct usually comes from.

When open, it can make you feel vulnerable and insecure, making you act impulsively. You may struggle with unhealthy behaviors including time-keeping. You may also find it hard to know when you need to let go of things. Learn to trust your own energy and intuition to help you know when to let go of things that no longer serve you. Try to create a system to help you manage your time and commitments better.

EMOTIONAL SOLAR PLEXUS CENTER (Awareness and Motor Center)

This is the right triangle in the bodygraph; a motor center and also the center for awareness and emotional energy. Your emotions come to you in waves which are also fluctuating. It takes you some time to make decisions because you need to process your feelings to avoid making rash decisions.

The undefined solar plexus center will absorb and amplify the emotional energy of others. You often try your best not to act or behave emotional so you can avoid conflict with others. Instead of dwelling on the highs and lows of the emotions you are experiencing; feel free to shake them off as they are not yours. Take time to release all the negative energy you have absorbed.

SACRAL CENTER (Motor Center)

The upper bottom square in the bodygraph. It is a motor center and the source of life force and reproduction. As a response motor, it regenerates through fulfilling activities.

An undefined sacral center has an inconsistent access to life energy and instead takes on and amplifies the sacral energy of those around them. This can result to being addicted to indulging in the sacral energies around you. You need to learn to recognize your limits so you don’t take in more energy than you can manage and avoid burnout.

ROOT CENTER (Pressure and Motor Center)

The lower bottom triangle, it is connected to the adrenal system, which means it is the center for adrenaline energy, adrenal pressure and stress. It moves energy in the body to fuel your activities such as exercise. This center provides consistent energy which compels you to be active throughout the day.

If undefined, it amplifies adrenal stress and pressures you to do things to keep you busy. This is why it is the center most often abused by the pressures of daily life; making us work more and forget to rest. You need to remember that the pressure to do something is normal but you don’t need to always say yes to that pressure. You need time to rest and relax to release the pressure so you can be more productive.

Get more information about your own energy centers by going to the Jovian Archive to get your body graph.

Featured Image: Original Photo by Karolina Grabowska.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Spiritual, 0 comments
How To Find The Perfect Partner

How To Find The Perfect Partner

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Do you believe in destiny? It is a belief that somewhere out there in this vast universe, one person is created just for you? And just like magic, you are supposed to find each other among the rest of the crowd and live happily ever after? For some people, this is what they refer to as soulmates. Intuitive readers and spiritual gurus will tell you that yes, there are soulmates. If you believe in reincarnation, these are people in which we have strong connections with in our past lives. So, if there really is such a thing as a soulmate, the question is how to find your soulmate? How to find the perfect partner?

What is A Perfect Partner?

If I ask you, what is a perfect partner for you? How will you answer? Society will tell you the characteristics of what a perfect partner should be. An ideal partner should have the total package – good looks, sculpted body, status in society, wealth, good education and all other physical attributes. Of course, there are also the ideal personality traits such as honesty, respectful, affectionate, caring and many other positive traits. If you get lucky and find that so-called ‘perfect partner’ as described by society; the question now is, are you the perfect partner for that person?

So think about it. And ask yourself again, what kind of person is the perfect partner for you?

Who is Your Perfect Partner?

Have you ever played a jigsaw puzzle? In a jigsaw puzzle, you are supposed to connect the pieces together to form a picture. But each piece is unique. Out of all the pieces, there is only one unique piece that will fit in one side of the puzzle. So finding a perfect partner is similar. You are unique. Every one of us has our own unique traits, talents and personalities. So how is it possible that your definition of a perfect partner is the same as everyone else?

To know who is your perfect partner, you need to be very clear. about one thing. That is who are you?

How to Find The Perfect Partner?

1. Find the Real You.

The first step in finding the perfect partner is finding yourself first. Who is the real you? And I’m not talking about that version of you who is deeply programmed by society. Neither am I talking about your persona or the mask that you wear in front of society. I am referring to your authentic self. Ask yourself the following questions:

2. Be Authentic

Ever since the moment that we are born, we have been programmed to think and act by society. Only a few people are fortunate enough to find their true self. So once you find your true self, the next step is to be authentic. It is difficult to always maintain a facade in front of others. Remove your social mask. If you are scared that the perfect partner will not accept you for who you are then that person is not the perfect person for you.

3. Love Yourself

Aside from being true to yourself and taking care of yourself. Loving yourself means accepting your totality not just your positive traits but also embracing your shadow self. It is only by loving and respecting yourself will other people learn to respect and love you.

4. Attract the Perfect Partner

Once you have learned to accept and love the real you, you will naturally attract the perfect partner. Remember that everything is energy. You are energy. You will automatically attract the right person if you are in the right frequency. Like attracts like.

Begin your journey of self-acceptance. Trust in the universe. Trust in life itself. And most importantly, trust yourself. And soon, you will not only attract the perfect partner but also all the blessings that are meant for you.

Feature Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Posted by A.L. Jonas in Social, 0 comments
Sound Healing Frequencies for Overall Wellness

Sound Healing Frequencies for Overall Wellness

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Did you know that you can use sound healing frequencies to enhance your overall wellness? We all love different kinds of music but there’s more to music than the genre and the instruments used to create a piece of musical art. One of the most important characteristic is sound frequency which helps in how we interpret sounds.

Sound Frequency Measure and Applications

Sound frequency is measured by the way in which sound waves oscillate. All sound waves travel at the same speed in the same medium. While they travel to our ears, they compress and stretch the medium (such as air) alternatively. The total number of waves produced per second is called the frequency of sound wave. The frequency is the number of vibrations per second. So 7 hertz (Hz) means 7 waves completed in one second or 7 cycles per second.

The lower limit of audibility is about 20 Hz. Low frequency sound or infrasound are all sounds around 500 Hz and below. These include the sound of waves, avalanches, earthquakes and sounds made by whales and elephants.

High frequency sounds are about 2000 Hz and above. These includes whistles, computer devices, glass breaking, nails on a chalkboard and mosquitoes.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), healing sounds are used in “toning” to help bring back balance of the mind and body. The method uses the voice to create different healing sounds for different body organs.

Sound healing also works with the Chakras, such as the Third Eye. Each energy center or chakra has its own mantra to help it go back to a balanced or active state.

Medical practices now include therapies such as music therapy, vibration therapy and brainwave entrainment to treat various health conditions and improve mental, physical and emotional health. This treatment option is slowly becoming popular as it is non-invasive, not expensive and easy to do.

In other healing modalities, it is used with crystals, plant medicine and other energy clearing practices to encourage healing in different areas of life.

Sound Healing Frequencies and Their Benefits

In sound healing modalities, different frequencies have different benefits and promote different kinds of healing. Most of these frequencies fall under the Solfeggio Frequencies* introduced in the 11th century by Guido D’Arezzo, a Benedictine monk. However, these frequencies were likely used in ancient times (in Egypt, in Sanskrit and in Medieval Gregorian chants, etc.) but records of their uses had been lost. The concept was reintroduced again by physician Joseph Puleo in the 1970s.

  • 174 Hz* – relieves pain, migraines and stress, reduces inflammation, evokes feelings of love, courage, safety and reassurance
  • 285 Hz* – heals, cuts, burns, tissues and organs, promotes cellular regeneration
  • 396 Hz* – liberates the listener from fear and guilt, helps to balance the root chakra to make you feel more grounded
  • 417 Hz – facilitates change, helps dissolve feelings of trauma and emotional blockages
  • 432 Hz – targets the heart chakra, helps soothe the soul, encourages mental and emotional clarity and openness
  • 440 Hz – also known as “cerebral music”, helps massage the brain for cognitive growth and helps awaken the third eye
  • 528 Hz* – for transformation and DNA repair (known as the “miracle frequency” as well as the “love frequency”), promotes clarity, peace, ushers in love and confidence and balances the heart and solar plexus chakras
  • 639 Hz* – reconnects and heals relationships, produces positive feelings, harmony and clear communication, self-reflection
  • 741 Hz* – helps provide solutions and self-expression, improves emotional stability, encourages feelings of safety to reconnect to your intuition
  • 852 Hz* – brings the listener back to a “spiritual order”, helps improve sense of self and inner strength
  • 963 Hz* – encourages a sense of oneness and unity, helps wake up the intuition and awaken the crown chakra, raises positive energy and vibrations, helps you connect to your inner self

Sound Healing Instruments

We all have the capability to heal ourselves so the voice is one of the instruments used in sound frequency healing. Other instruments used for meditation and sound therapies are Tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, gongs, drums, tuning forks, chimes, didgeridoo, monochord, handpan or tongue drum, flute, rainstick, crystal harp, crystal singing pyramids, kalimba, cymbals, djembe, mouth harp and many more.

Binaural beats are also a popular way to elicit different brainwaves for better sleep (Delta), for meditation (Theta), reduced anxiety, (Alpha) better focus and learning (Beta), among others.

OM Chanting and Meditation

How do we start using sound frequencies to heal ourselves? We can start with using our voice to chant as preparation for meditation or as the meditation itself. The easiest way is to use OM to chant or meditate.

We often associate the sound OM as a chant used to start and end yoga sessions. It consists of four syllables: A, U, M, and the silent syllable. When pronounced correctly, it sounds more like AUM. One of the most well known and universal mantras, it vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz but it can also be used at higher frequencies such as at 528 Hz. It is the sound of creation, causing energy to gather and flow upward and outward. Everything in the universe vibrates; nothing is standing still. Chanting OM helps us to physically tune in to that frequency and energy.

Listen to the vibration it creates as it flows throughout your body. Chanting OM is a calming and soothing mindfulness practice that helps to slow down your breathing and prolong your exhalation. It is a breathing exercise in itself that helps you to relax and tune in to your inner self. Don’t chant too loudly. Use the natural volume of your own voice and feel the sound vibrate throughout your body.

OM is the basic sound of the Universe. When we chant, it vibrates as the same vibrational frequency found throughout nature. Chanting it means that you are symbolically and physically connecting to nature and all living beings in the Universe. It is one of the best ways to help you find your inner peace.

Feature Image: Original Photo by Magic Bowls on Unsplash.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Spiritual, 0 comments
Items That Bring Positive Energy to Your Home

Items That Bring Positive Energy to Your Home

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Have you been busy with some decluttering? Thinking of redecorating your home? Aside from re-arranging your furniture; you can use items that bring positive energy to your home as decoration. Here are some of them:


There are different indoor bamboo plants that you can use as ornaments around your home. They also help in keeping your space look fresh and lively. Make sure to put them in areas with adequate lighting to showcase their natural beauty and also to ensure that they continue to thrive. Bamboo is known to bend but not break even in the harshest storms. If you want this kind of stability in your home; then brining in bamboo inside as well as in your garden can help you enhance this kind of enduring energy.


Ornaments featuring the buddha are usually placed in the main part of the house to bring in good vibes. The most popular ornament is the Laughing Buddha. It is said that rubbing its belly attracts good luck and prosperity. Aside from a statue or pottery; you can also decorate using a poster, print or tapestry. You can dedicate a wall or nook in your home where you can display and highlight your buddha ornament.


A variety of crystals also enhance and invite different types of positive energy into your home. They are also visually unique and interesting to look at. You can use different small crystals or a large crystal as a center piece for a wall or nook in your living space. You can even choose a crystal that fits your theme or the kind of energy you want to attract. If you’re just starting with crystals, then check out some must have crystals you can consider for your home.

Dream Catcher

A dream catcher is a popular decor for the bedroom. The dream catcher is designed to catch nightmares and evil spirits. This way, you don’t get nightmares anymore; you also become a happier home owner. Depending on the size; you can hang them on one wall of your bedroom to serve as an accent piece. They usually come with beads and feathers in different designs and colors. Most dream catchers are round but some are woven to look like the crescent moon or even in more elaborate shapes.


Ornaments of elephants can help you attract good luck. They are also a symbol of wealth, wisdom and strength. Elephants are known to have great wisdom. They are even worshipped as sacred animals in some cultures. You can use a small elephant figurine or vase, an elephant-shaped cushion, painting or tapestry on your wall. Depending on where you put them; they can also serve as interesting conversation starters when you have guests over.


Fish ornaments are also widely used to attract luck and prosperity. For even better energy in your home; why not keep a fish or more as pets? Having an aquarium with fish swimming in it helps to circulate the energy in the room. As water is cleansing; it’s constant movement helps to enhance the balance of energy in your living space; creating a sense of harmony. Just make sure to properly take care of your fish pets so you maintain the positive energy in your home.


Burning incense is one of the easiest ways to get rid of negative energy in your home. Use sage or any of your favorites. Try burning some incense in every room of your house. You can also use a smudge stick or wand and go all around the house to clear old and stale energy away. Make sure to open the windows so the smoke can go out. You might want to check if you can have the smoke detector in your place turned off, if applicable.

Plants & Fresh Flowers

Indoor plants and herbs are a great way to liven up your space. Fresh flowers in an elegant flower vase are also eye catching and a good way to bring some color to your room. Be sure to place plants in a space with adequate sunlight. If you love flowers; then make sure to replace them with fresh ones regularly so as not to keep stale energy in your home. If possible, bring indoor plants outside for more sunshine once in a while to keep them healthy and looking fresh and positive.

Feature Image: Original Photo by Manja Vitolic on Unsplash.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Environmental, 0 comments
Understanding Positive and Negative Energy in Life

Understanding Positive and Negative Energy in Life

Reading Time: 4 minutes

We are all born with a basic understanding of positive and negative energy in life. However, as we grow older, we tend to ignore this ability and suppress it instead. Most of us go through life unaware that we are able to sense energy around us as well as within us. In fact, it is a useful skill that can guide us through many challenges in our daily life.

You Are Made of Energy

As adults, most of us are running on autopilot. We plan our day according to a schedule, not minding the different emotions we feel at different moments. You must have heard of the concept that everything around us is energy. In fact, our bodies can be considered living energy fields. Energy is not something we can see but it is something we can definitely feel. It influences a lot of our decisions and actions in our daily life. Have you ever felt suddenly “down” or experienced a “high” from an activity or experience? These are examples of how energy affected your mood and thoughts. Think of other experiences where you were able to feel these different energies and how you acted according to them.

Energy Can Be Sensed

As a living energy field yourself, you are constantly projecting energy towards your environment and other people. In return, you are also able to sense other people’s energies. A simple way to “sense” energy is to rub your hands together until they feel warm. Then hold your hands parallel to each other with some space in between. Don’t you feel a warmth in between your palms that is not the same energy as outside of your palms? Have someone else do this and feel the energy in between their palms yourself. Another example is the feeling you get before heavy rain comes and after the rain. Aren’t the energies in your environment completely different? Do you feel positive or negative energy when it rains? How about after a rain?

Energy is Useful

Have you meet people that made you feel like they’re giving off “bad vibes”? Do you have a friend whom you are always magnetized to because you feel good whenever you’re around them? These people are giving off different kinds of energy and you are reacting to them based on your own energy too. This feeling that you get every time you meet someone or go somewhere is your intuition. It’s an invisible way to guide you in your actions. You know that there is a mind-body connection. Sometimes, how you act is a reaction to how you feel. It can also be a reaction to how others feel even when they don’t tell you about it.

Good Vibes vs Bad Vibes

We are all energy antennas, broadcasting and receiving energy all the time. It is useful to learn when we are interacting with positive or negative energy. People with negative energy usually make us feel tired, exhausted, sad or even angry. If they are constantly projecting this kind of energy, they may even become toxic people that others avoid. If your energy is the same, then you may actually like being around them. After all, misery wants company. On the other hand, people with positive energy tend to attract other people with the same energy. They make each other feel good, calm, safe and relaxed, even joyful. They also generally have a positive outlook in life and are able to treat others with generosity and kindness.

Managing Your Energy

Energy is constantly flowing through us and around us. So if you are always having negative thoughts, this does not mean your are stuck being a negative person for life. Even people with positive energy can have their moments of negativity sometimes. Your energy is affected by your past life experiences, your mindset and your general perception of the world. The good news is, you can always shift your energy at any time. No matter your history, all you need is to focus in the moment to shift your energy and the type of energy that flows towards you and from you. Ask yourself: What kind of energy do I want to be right now?

Increase Your Positive Energy

There are many ways to increase your positive energy. Calming your mind through meditation is a good start. This will help you control which thoughts to pay attention to more. So you should focus on your positive thoughts. Try being mindful of small the moments and spend time appreciating them. This will lead you into developing personal gratitude, which makes it easier for you to feel grateful towards others too. In turn, you will develop a more positive mindset and outlook in life which will also attract towards you more people who have similar attitudes.

Your Energy Matters

Being aware of your energy and the energy around you allows you to be more in control of your life. Instead of being a slave to your usual thoughts and emotions; you can control your reactions so that it benefits you. For example, if you are already feeling “bad vibes” from someone inviting to join them for a night out; then it would be wiser to just decline so you don’t get influenced by their negative energy. You can also increase the chances of someone agreeing with you on a difficult issue if you approach them with the positive energy of understanding instead of a combative attitude. There are many things that can affect your energy but being aware of it is the first step to managing it. Be sure to schedule more fun into your activities and develop better habits to help improve your good mood.

Feature Image: Original Image by Peace,love,happiness from Pixabay.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Spiritual, 0 comments
Must Have Crystals in Your Home

Must Have Crystals in Your Home

Reading Time: 4 minutes

If you’re just starting out with using crystals, here are some must have crystals that you should consider for your home.

Crystals have been used since ancient times for different purposes. More and more people are adding crystals in their spaces and in their homes. Others even use them as jewelry but they do so for specific purposes. Since crystals are all minerals, their energies connect us with Earth and nature. Even people who don’t believe in their special properties appreciate them for their beauty alone.


Selenite is a good crystal to place in your home’s main entrance or near doorways, a corner of the room, on an altar or window sill. This crystal helps to keep the area free from harmful or negative energy and can raise the vibration of the place so it feels more light and airy. You can use this crystal to cleanse your other crystals especially those that you often use as jewelry. Just place them near Selenite over night and they are ready to use the next day.

Selenite Lamp
Selenite Lamps | Image by Angela Ford from Pixabay


Himalayan salt is a natural pink salt that is known for its cleansing properties. It produces ions when warmed which helps cleanse the space and protect it from negative energies. This crystal can be placed near entrances and doorways; in the corner of a room or bedroom and in your home office to ward off EMFs (electromagnetic fields).

Himalayan Salt (Halite)
Himalayan Salt (Halite) | Image by hunabkis from Pixabay


Black Tourmaline has powerful protection energies. It helps protect your space from negative influences and negative energy in the environment. This crystal is also very grounding which is helpful for releasing stress. Similar to Selenite, you can place this crystal near doorways and window sills and in the corner of a room.

Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline | Image by Anne Marie McCormack from Pixabay


Traditionally associated with enhancing love, Rose Quartz can help bring a calming and soothing atmosphere to the space. It helps in attracting and encourages loving relationships, bringing about family harmony in your home. This crystal is also helpful in developing self love as well as attracting new romantic relationships. Place this crystal in areas of the home where family members usually gather such as in the living room and dining table or in your bedroom.

Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz | Image by Hans-August Beer from Pixabay


Citrine is a crystal that is good to place in your home office as it helps to attract abundance, success and prosperity. Just like its color, it also helps to warm up the area with the energy of sunshine and encourages positive thinking. It is also good to place it on the dining table and the altar as well as in places where you usually store your money or valuables.

Citrine | Image by KatinkavomWolfenmond from Pixabay


Amethyst is a crystal with very high spiritual vibration. It works to transmute negative energies and offers psychic protection. For people who are deeply sensitive or intuitive; this crystal supports spiritual growth and psychic development. This is a good crystal to work with during meditation. Place this crystal on your altar, library, yoga or meditation space. Don’t place it near windows or direct sunlight to avoid fading.

Amethyst | Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels


Clear quartz is a crystal that enhances the energy of other crystals. This crystal can be programmed for any intention. Clear quartz has healing properties that helps to cleanse a space, enhance mental focus and mental clarity. This crystal can be placed in most parts of the home.

Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz | Image by Robert Strasser from Pixabay


For the home, bigger crystals in solid shapes or in their raw form are recommended. They also look great for decorative purposes.

Create a sacred space for where you put your crystals. Experiment by placing crystals in different areas and see where they feel and look most suited to be placed.

Just like you regularly clean your home, crystals should also be cleansed regularly. They are sensitive tools that pick-up different energies from people and places. Cleaning them regularly will keep their energies pure and effective. If your home has experienced challenging situations, your crystals will also need to be cleansed. This will help you and the whole family start anew or move on from the situation.

Feature Image: Original Photo by Sarah Brown on Unsplash.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Environmental, 0 comments
5 Big Ways to Save on Electricity in Your Home

5 Big Ways to Save on Electricity in Your Home

Reading Time: 5 minutes

We use a lot of electrical devices and appliances in our homes and there are a lot of ways to save on electricity so we don’t get a shock when our bill arrives. Here are 5 big ways, and small ways often ignored, that will help you save on electricity in your home.

Save on electricity in your home in big and small ways.

1. Maximize Natural Means

Utilizing your home’s features to combat cold or warm weather issues will help you save on electricity costs in your home.

Curtains are not just decorative but are useful to control your house’s temperature too.

Close doors and windows to trap heat or cold air. Especially when using electrical devices in a room, be sure to close doors and windows to trap in warm or cool air when using a heater or an aircon unit.

Use your curtains and beddings to trap more heat during cold months. Your curtains serve as natural ventilation for your whole house so open or close them to help regulate temperature inside the home in different weather conditions. Use thicker blankets during cold months and thinner ones with lighter materials during hot months.

Let plants help with ventilation. Place plants indoors to provide shade as well as encourage natural air circulation inside the house. Plants can be placed in all parts of the house including the kitchen and bathrooms. They not only get rid of unpleasant smells but also generate a lot of oxygen to cool and freshen up a room.

Turn off electrical devices when not in use. A common and simple, but often forgotten method to save on electricity, is to turn off appliances when not in use. If you are going out of a room, make it a habit to switch off the lights and the aircon or heater especially if you will be gone for a while.

2. Resort to Low-Cost Alternatives (Whenever Possible)

We need to evaluate what types of appliances we really need to use. As much as possible, choose the option that will be less costly.

Do you really need to turn on the aircon unit or will a ceiling fan do?

Use a ceiling fan instead of the aircon unit if it’s not too hot. If you’re feeling hot in a room, evaluate if you really need to turn the airconditioning on or if a ceiling fan will do. If it’s not the height of summer, perhaps the electric fan is a better and cheaper choice.

Install a dimmer to control your use of light. There are rooms in the house that we access at different times of the day which means that we also need different amount of lighting each time. Install a dimmer to control the amount of light you use at different times during the day. This way you ensure that you only use the amount of light you actually need.

Use a power surge strip with switches. Plug common standby devices such as phone chargers into a power surge strip with individual switches. This way, you don’t have to unplug the charger each time. You can just turn off the switch instead.

3. Save Energy in the Kitchen

We have a lot of energy-sucking devices in the kitchen but there are lots of ways to tame these electrical vampires. The kitchen is an area where we can save big on electricity in our home.

Use your stove and oven wisely to reduce electrical costs.

Thaw food in the fridge to shorten cooking time. The night before, transfer food from the frozen section of your fridge to the cooling section to thaw them instead of leaving them outside in room temperature on the day you will use them. Doing this will help you thaw food while keeping them safe from contamination. They will be ready to cook when taken out from the refrigerator so you don’t have to wait for them to thaw, reducing your cooking time.

Allow food to cool before putting them in the refrigerator. Let food cool properly to room temperature to maintain your refrigerator’s temperature. When putting in hot food, this will cause your refrigerator’s cooling system to work harder to quickly cool the food.

Don’t put uncovered food or drinks inside the refrigerator. Condensation from uncovered food and beverages, especially when they are still warm and steaming will cause your refrigerator to work harder to maintain the cool temperature.

Keep your fridge full. If you have a lot of space inside because you have used most of your groceries, use bottles of water to occupy the space. Your refrigerator will use more energy to cool the empty space than if there was something inside to occupy the space.

Turn-off stoves and ovens earlier when cooking. The remaining heat will continue to warm the cooking vessel which will continue to cook the food.

Preheat the oven only when needed. Preheating is important for foods that take a long time to cook such as meat. Otherwise, preheating is not really necessary.

Cook with lids on. To further make cooking faster, cook with your cooking vessel’s lid on. This will maximize the use of heat and hasten cooking time so you use less energy.

Air dry your dishes. Instead of using the dishwasher’s dryer, opt to air dry your dishes instead to save on energy.

Plan and cook your meals ahead of time. Plan a meal preparation schedule once or twice a week so you only use your kitchen appliances during those times instead of every day.

4. Save Energy with Your Laundry

Washing clothes, like cooking, take up a lot of energy. Here are some ways to reduce electricity usage when doing your laundry.

Laundry can be such a chore but you can save big on electricity bills if you do your laundry right.

Wash with cold water instead of hot. This will not only prolong the life of your clothes but reduce your washing machine’s energy use too.

Use shorter wash cycles. Again, this is a way to preserve your clothes life longer and reducing energy cost at the same time.

If possible, air dry your clothes rather than using the dryer. The dryer in your washing machine is one of the biggest energy vampires in your house. If the sun is shining outside, air dry your clothes instead.

Use dryer balls. If you do use the dryer, toss dryer balls with your clothes to help dry the clothes faster. This will also help make your clothes softer and fluffier when you take them out from the dryer.

5. Practice Regular Maintenance Habits

To keep your appliances and devices in tip-top shape so they don’t become huge energy vampires; follow these tips to save more on your electricity budget for your home.

Clean and maintain your appliances to maximize their use and save money.

Regularly clean your appliances. Appliances can accumulate dust and gunk which will hamper their normal working condition. Regularly clean them to keep them in efficient working condition.

Stick to maintenance checks. Don’t forego scheduled maintenance checks especially for appliances with lifetime warranties. This ensures that potential issues will be readily addressed so you don’t need to spend a big amount for a replacement later on.

Get repairs done as soon as you detect them. When an issue has been detected, have the repairs, replacement parts or cleaning requirements completed as soon as possible. This will save you from incurring more expensive repair cost later on when the problem progresses and will save you money on buying a replacement for an appliance that has gone beyond repair.

We’re sure you have other tricks to add to these tips to save on electricity costs. Share them with us in the comments below or on our Facebook page. Your monthly budget will surely be looking great with more savings.

BONUS TIP: Track your expenses so you can see where you can save even more.

First published on Pinoy Smart Living on 2018.12.03.
Feature Image: Original Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Environmental, 0 comments
Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Home

Get Rid of Negative Energy in Your Home

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The home should be the place where we feel safe and secure. It is also the place where we let out all our stress and emotional baggage. It’s not surprising that stagnant or negative energy may build up in our homes. This can make us feel down, fatigued, and even make us sick. How do you get rid of negative energy in your home? Here are some tips.

Open the Windows

Air out all the negative energy in your house one room at a time by opening the windows to let fresh air come through. While you’re at it, shake out your pillows and blankets to recirculate any stagnant energy around them. Try to breathe in the fresh air too to get rid of negative energy not just in your home but in your body as well.

Wipe Down, Wipe Out

Regularly wipe down surfaces in your home to clean and disinfect them but also to wipe out the negative energy in the room. It doesn’t only keep your home safe and clean, it also detoxifies you mentally and physically as it can be therapeutic and a good workout. Do the 15-minute cleaning routine daily to maintain the cleanliness of your home.

Burn Some Incense

Incense has long been used to clean and purify any space of negative energy. This is used in temples and even churches to this day. The most popular one used for this purpose is sage. You can use sage incense sticks or sage smudge wands and use the smoke to get rid of negative energy in your home. It would be great if you could do this for every room in the house. Have the windows open while doing this so the smoke detector in your house isn’t activated.

Remove or Repair Broken Items

Broken things that are stuck around the house bring stagnant, negative energy into your home. Each time an item is broken, immediately set aside time to have it fixed so they don’t take space while remaining unused. If it can’t be repaired, then get rid of it immediately.

Remove Clutter Immediately

Doesn’t it feel good after you’ve cleaned your desk? Clutter can make you feel tired and stressed so try to banish clutter from your life by regularly decluttering your space. Get rid of negative energy in your home by cleaning as you go each time you use a room.

Spray Orange Essential Oil

The smell of orange is not only refreshing, it also helps to lift the mood. Mix some orange essential oil in water and use it to spray around the house. You can also use it on your regular diffuser to elevate the mood in any space. Not only will you get rid of the negative energy in your home; it will make your space smell fresh too.

Ring a Bell in Each Room

This is a simple way to move bad energy out of any space. Ring a bell in each corner of a room and the doorways in your home. You can also use a singing bowl to do so. The sound waves will help get rid of the negative energy accumulating in your home.

Salt the Corners of Each Room

Salt can be used to ward off negative energy as well as to absorb negative energy. Put some salt in the four corners of your rooms and let it sit for 48 hours. You can vacuum it or sweep it away and throw it out to get rid of negative energy in your home.

Protect your Space with Crystals

Crystals have been used since ancient times to ward off negative energy and to enhance positive energy. Black Tourmaline is especially known to ward off and dissolve negative energy. Keep this close to electronic devices to protect you from the negative effects of electromagnetic exposure. Other crystals also help to get rid of negative energy in your home with various effects.

Live with Plants

Having living, healthy plants around your home is one sure way to invite more positive energy into your home. Make sure you water them as needed and place them in spots where they are most suitable. Some plants require a lot of sunlight while others can thrive in the shade. Certain plants also help to naturally purify the air and freshen up the look of your living space.

Finally, the most important tip to ensure that your home does not accumulate negative energy is to be full of positive energy yourself. Remember the mind-body connection? Your thoughts influence your physical state but your environment affects how you think and feel too.

Keep yourself in a positive state of mind all the time so you don’t contribute to the negative energy in your own home. It is also easier for you to notice if there is negative energy in your home if you are in a positive state. This means, you can get rid of negative energy as soon as possible too.

Launch Challenge

Your challenge is to launch into action and do any of these tips or a combination of these for a whole month. See which ones are more effective for your lifestyle. The bigger challenge is to develop the habit of regularly clearing out your space of negative energy so you can work on your dreams in a positive space that helps you maintain a positive mindset and attract more positive experiences into your life.

Featured Image: Original Photo by Conscious Design on Unsplash.

Posted by H.J. Rangas in Environmental, 0 comments
Rule in Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Rule in Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Did you know that the ideal weight varies from one person to the other? It is not as simple as looking as the height and weight of an individual. It also incorporates certain factors such as gender, age and body frame. Don’t be confused with body image advertising. More often than not, advertising just creates unrealistic expectations on what a perfect body should be like to promote their products. But just the same way, you still need to maintain your ideal weight to keep yourself healthy and strong. It is important that you follow the rule in maintaining a healthy weight.

What is your ideal weight? What’s your weight right now? Are you overweight or underweight?  Check your ideal weight using the Ideal Weight Calculator from

Weight Management

Weight management is all about balancing the calories that you consume with those that you burn. If your food intake is greater than what you burn then you gain weight.  In the same way that if what you eat is less than what you burn, you will not have enough energy to do your normal physical and even mental activities.

Your body needs energy to keep moving.  It gets the energy that you need from calories from food.  The calories that you eat are then converted to physical energy that fuels your every movement. This why it is never a good idea to do crash diets. Although crash diets can lead to weight loss, it can also result to loss of energy and fatigue.

On the other hand, those calories that were not used are stored in the body as fats. Excessive calorie intakes and physical inactivity can lead to weight gain. 

As a general guideline, 3,500 calories is equal to 1 pound of fat. So, if you want to lose one pound, you need to burn at least 3,500 calories.

Eating junk food is not the same as eating healthy food. Although you will get the same amount of calories, you will not be getting the same potential amount of energy. Junk food also do not contain the necessary vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. Thus, choosing the right kind of food is necessary to maintain that healthy weight and body.

The chart above from the United Kingdom’s Royal Society for Public Health shows how long you need to exercise when you eat certain kinds of food.

The recommended daily calorie intake varies depending on a person’s age, gender, height and physical activity.  The recommended calories per day  is 1,600 to 2,400 for adult women and 2,000 to 3,000 for adult men. 

In a nutshell, the rule in maintaining a healthy weight is to eat only what you can burn. It is also important to eat the right kinds of food. If you are not used to eating healthily, it is fine. You can do it slowly. Just take baby steps to optimal nutrition.

Updated Version. First published in Pinoy Smart Living on 09.16.2018

Feature Image by Posted by A.L. Jonas in Physical, 0 comments