Spring Day

Spring Day

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Spring is the season of new beginnings. It is in spring that flowers bloom, animals awake and birds start to chirp. No wonder spring has always been associated with hope. The signs of new life popping in every corner is proof that the dreary cold and winter days are finally over. In the same way that hope can actively transport an individual from darkness to light. Hope gives the promise that someday, circumstances will get better. That is why people look forward to that first spring day.

Passing by the edge of the cold winter, until the days of spring, until the days of flower blossoms. Please stay, please stay there a little longer.

– BTS, Spring Day

In times like this, when everything seems to be gloomy; more than ever we need to hold on to the power of hope in our lives. Don’t give up. Believe that one day, all this will be over. Soon, spring will come. Someday, we are all going to look back to this day and maybe understand why we had to go through such difficulty in our lives. Thus, is it important to learn the lessons and move on in life. Understand that life goes on. Hopefully, we can all come out of this as better, happier, healthier and wealthier human beings.

So, turn your focus from the negative to the positive. Visualize what your spring day is going to be like. What do you want your future to be like?

That is one good thing about this world…There are always sure to be more springs.

– L.M. Montgomery

Feature Image by Pixabay.

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