Save Me

Save Me

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Have you been feeling down lately? Are you so sad to the point that you have given up all hope? It is normal to feel depressed at times especially when we lose someone dear to us, when we are struggling to make ends meet or when everything seems to be going against us. Do find consolation that you are not alone. Everyone had to go through such an experience in life. It is okay to not be okay. What is important is how you lift yourself from your lowest point in life. But what if it is too hard? How to not allow yourself to give up? When this happens, it is a sign that you need help. Take courage. Ask someone, “save me”.

Give me your hand, save me, save me. I need your love before I fall.


Asking others for help is difficult because it is often perceived as weakness. It crushes our pride. The truth is there is no shame in asking for help. On the contrary rather than weakness; it is a sign of strength. The lack of humility hinders success. Successful people know this. That is why many successful people acknowledge the fact that they don’t know everything. Thus, they surround themselves with valuable people who can help them in different situations.

True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing. And in knowing that you know nothing, that makes you the smartest of all.

– Socrates

In order to overcome struggles in life, you need to surround yourself with people who will support and help you. There is a power in doing things together rather than alone.

But don’t just ask for help from anybody. Seek the help of a friend or loved one who had gone through the same experience as yours who managed to overcome it successfully. It is important though that these people are positive individuals. Avoid toxic persons for they will only lead you to feeling more depressed. In some cases, it is better to seek the help of experts

Remember, no man is an island. Don’t ever think that you are alone. Now, more than ever; it is better to overcome challenges together.

Feature Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

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