lockdown and mental health

Lockdown and Mental Health: How to Cope with Stress, Fear and Anxiety

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We are in the midst of global pandemic with billions of people under  some form of lockdown, with no end in sight as cases around the world continue to grow. Experts are saying that we are going to be in it for the long haul unless they find a vaccine soon. As people around the world are forced to stay indoors, there is now a growing concern about the people’s mental health. During this lockdown, it is important to know how to cope with stress, fear and anxiety to prevent mental health deterioration.

The Lancet, one of the world’s oldest general medical journal published a study on the negative psychological impact of the quarantine such as anger, confusion, fear, anxiety, loneliness and stress. Hans Kluge, the director of the European branch of the World Health Organization (WHO) urged countries to prepare medical services for mental health.

During this time, it is important for your general well-being that you be able to handle the stress. Here are ways address your mental health issues and cope up with the fear, stress and anxiety that this lockdown has caused:

1. Keep Yourself Healthy

The COVID-19 has no cure yet. Scientists all over the world are searching for possible treatments. What hospitals are doing right now are just providing comfort and alleviating symptoms by trying some western and traditional remedies. What you can do aside from proper hand-washing and social distancing is to take care of your body by boosting your immune system. Boosting your immune system is the best way to combat diseases. Doing things like exercise, getting enough sleep, eating the right kind of foods and drinking enough water can keep your body healthy. This will make a big difference on how you feel and will help lessen your fears.

2. Maintain a Regular Routine

A daily routine can help you cope up with stress because you know exactly what to do and what to expect in your day. It reduces stress because everything becomes automatic. Your body will remember what you need to do because it becomes a habit. 

3. Stay Connected

Humans are social beings. A strong positive social support can help you go through this storm. Don’t just watch TV or play video games the whole day. You need to also connect with others. Spend quality time and have meaningful conversations with people living with you. Take advantage of technology. Stay in touch with your friends, make a video call.

4. Restrict Media Exposure

It is totally understandable that you want to stay updated with what is  happening around you during these troubled times. However, too much of anything can be quite overwhelming especially if it is negative news. Restrict media exposure. Listen and read credible sources only. Don’t just read and believe everything.

5. Do something productive

Make use of your idle time by doing something productive. Is there anything that you have been wanting to do but cannot because you just didn’t have the time? Now is the perfect time to do it. You can play with your children, organize your wardrobe or you can declutter your home. You can read a book, learn a new skill or improve your expertise. The possibilities are endless.

6. Practice Gratitude

The practice of gratitude during difficult times is the best way to cope with fear and anxiety. Gratitude has the power to heal. It gives you hope and diverts your focus from the negative to the positive things in your life. It makes you feel blessed. Looking at things differently can affect the direction of your life. So, start a gratitude journal now.

Feature Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay Images

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