Basics of Financial Literacy: What You Need to Know

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The world is now officially on a recession. Businesses went bankrupt and millions of people have lost their jobs. Many people found themselves in deep financial troubles. Although It is impossible to undo the events of the past, it is still possible to improve your financial future through financial literacy. What you need to know for now is the basics of financial literacy.

Whether we like it or not, money is a part of our daily lives. A basic understanding on how money works can help you make wise financial decisions in the future. It will help save you financially when the next big crisis comes. Thus, knowing the basics of financial literacy is a must. 

Start your financial literacy journey by reading some life-changing books on wealth and success. It will also help if you familiarize yourself with some basic terms on personal finance. Knowing some of the basic components on financial literacy is also is very important in your financial life.

Basics of Financial Literacy

1. Budgeting

Budgeting is a spending plan. It is allocating a certain amount of money for the things that you need and want. Though budgeting, you will be able to figure out if you have enough money to buy things that you want. It will also allow you to create a plan for your future spending. It is basically weighing in your income vis-a-vis your expenses and trying to create a balance between the two.

A good budgeting technique that you can follow is the money jar budgeting system. This approach allows you to be be able to meet both your needs and wants and at the same time, grow your wealth in the process.

2. Saving

Every financial guru stresses the importance of saving. Savings are the money that is set aside for future use especially during emergencies. It is common sense yet only a handful of people do it. That’s because saving money takes a lot of discipline. 

If there is one thing that this crisis taught us, it is the importance of saving. Those who have enough savings will be able to rise above this crisis. Aside from serving as your emergency fund, your savings can also give you freedom. You can use it as downpayment for your dream house. Your savings can also use to buy a new car or to travel to your dream destination. The possibilities are endless.

3. Understanding Debt

Not all debts are created equal. There are good debts and there are bad debts. Understanding what they are and how they differ from one another will help you make good financial decisions when it comes to handling debts.

Almost all people in the world will have to handle debt at one point in their lives, whether it be a mortgage, a car loan, a credit card debt or any other kind of personal loans. Debts can have positive or negative effects on everyone’s lives. Knowing the basics will help people use debts for their own advantage.

There is still a lot to learn but it is definitely worth the time and effort. For now, understanding the basics of financial literacy is a good start towards your journey to improving your financial life for the better.

Feature Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay Images

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