H.J. Rangas

Benefits of Being an Underdog

Benefits of Being an Underdog

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe truly successful know the benefits of being an underdog because they maintain that mindset. People who continue succeeding are those who still maintain the habits that they practiced when they were still underdogs. This is especially useful when they face new or unplanned challenges. If you are starting a new career, a new business

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Courage Counts the Most

Courage Counts the Most

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs human beings, we often forget that courage counts the most. We are always in pursuit of something new. When we achieve a goal, we go on to the next goal. This means that success is not a final destination. Success is a string of victories that we celebrate as some of the highest points

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Not Today

Not Today

Reading Time: 2 minutesTell your self, “Not today.” If you’re thinking of quitting, turning back, ending it all; then tell your self, “No, not today.” Everyone is trying to realize their dreams. We look up to those who have already succeeded. Those who are still pursuing their dreams are taking it one day at a time. All of

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