A.L. Jonas

ways to resolve an argument

Ways to Resolve an Argument

Reading Time: 3 minutesNo human being is exactly the same. Even identical twins differ not just physically but emotionally and mentally. These attributes together with our thoughts and experiences result in different values, beliefs and point of views. Thus, it is normal for people to agree or disagree. That is why people sometimes argue. Arguing is a natural

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Money lessons you wish you learned in school

Money Lessons You Wish You Learned in School

Reading Time: 4 minutesDid you know that the number one cause of stress is money? According to several studies, more people worry about money compared to health, family, work or relationships. This is true regardless of age, citizenship, gender, career, educational attainment and even amount of income. There is only one explanation to all this, most people do

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Zero O'clock

Zero O’clock

Reading Time: 2 minutesDid you ever wake up in the morning and feel that something is wrong? For some reason, the day feels gloomy and sad. As the day goes by, nothing seems to be going your way. You feel drained and stressed. You cannot wait for the day to be over. Why? Because you know deep inside

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