Are You Physically Well?

Are You Physically Well?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are you physically well? Many of us often forget about physical health as we prioritize other tasks. Most of us don’t even remember to practice self-love throughout the day or even during the weekends. Our physical health is an important factor in our overall wellness and we should always be taking care of our bodies. Here are some things you need to ask yourself to see if you are physically well.

  1. Are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day?
  2. Are you eating a variety of fruits and vegetables?
  3. Are you exercising regularly?
  4. Do you have full, shiny hair and strong nails?
  5. Do you have healthy teeth and gums and smooth lips?
  6. Do you seldom experience pimple break-outs?
  7. Is your waist circumference proportionate to your Body Mass Index (BMI)?
  8. Do you have clear skin instead of dry and flakey?
  9. Do you have regular bowel movement?
  10. Are you getting enough sleep?

If you answered YES to at least 8 of these questions, then you can consider yourself physically well. Answering NO to many of these questions mean that you are not paying enough attention to your physical wellness.

Maintain Your Healthy Foundation

Being physically fit is the basic foundation to achieving physical wellness. So pay heed to any changes in your body and make sure to get a regular physical checkup to get to know your body more and have a good grasp of your physical wellness. Your doctor may have other questions to ask to evaluate your physical wellness.

One of the most important thing you can do to maintain your physical health is to maintain a healthy immune system. Consistent exercise, healthy eating and a positive mindset can go a long way in helping you combat life’s daily stress. Additionally, a daily dose of gratitude will help boost your mood and keep you motivated to keep up with your goals.

Updated. Previously published on 2021.03.08.
Feature Image: Original Photo by LYFE Fuel on Unsplash.

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