5 Ways to Use ACV for Your Beauty Routine

5 Ways to Use ACV for Your Beauty Routine

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Did you know that apple cider vinegar or ACV is beneficial for your beauty routine? The skin is the biggest organ in the body. Anything it absorbs can affect the rest of our body. The use of natural ingredients in beauty products is highly recommended as they not only make us look pretty, they can contribute to our overall health too. Here are 5 ways you can use apple cider vinegar in your beauty regimen. You can add plus points to your physical health too!

1. Bath Soap

Ever heard of apple cider vinegar as a soap for your body? There are actually brands out there that sell soap made from ACV but you can always DIY your own. ACV as a soap can help clarify skin and prevent body odor from bacteria. It can also help in healing skin allergies and alleviate dry skin. It can lighten skin and gently exfoliate so you will notice sun spots and other blemishes fading away over time.

2. Hair Conditioner

Want dull hair to get back its shine? Add several table spoons of ACV to a liter of water. Use the mixture to rinse your hair. The vinegar smell won’t linger that long and your hair will be smoother and shinier.

3. Face Toner

Mix together some ACV with water in a jar and soak your facial pads on it for a few hours. Put in enough facial pads so they are not soaking wet when taking out but just wet enough like wet wipes. Use this to remove makeup before going to sleep. Very handy when you’re too tired to even put on moisturizer. You can also take this with you when traveling.

4. Spot Treat Blemishes

If you don’t like the idea of ACV as a toner or you just can’t stand the smell; then use it to treat problem spots instead. Put some on a cotton pad and apply to the affected area. Leave overnight. It may sting a bit but the next day, that stubborn pimple should already dry out.

5. Alkalize your Water

When the body is acidic, that’s when you become prone to getting sick. So aside from eating healthy, you can add 2 tablespoons of ACV to a glass of water. Drink this first thing in the morning similar to lemon water. Or you can drink it 30 minutes before meals to reduce cravings which means it helps you lose weight too.

These are just some quick ways to use Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV in your personal care routine. When buying ACV, make sure it still has powder-like sediments in it. This is what is called “the mother” which should be on the label as this is an active ingredient in ACV. ACV is readily available in most major groceries so you shouldn’t have any problems trying out some of these remedies.

Updated. First published on 2019.04.15 on Pinoy Smart Living.
Feature Image: Original Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash.

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