5 Tips to Get Through Your Lowest Point in Life

5 Tips to Get Through Your Lowest Point in Life

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Life is made up of highs and lows and people of all ages experience it differently. When we are experiencing a “high” in some or several aspects of our life, we feel blessed, happy and fulfilled. We are compelled to celebrate our good luck and share our joy with those most important to us. When the opposite happens however, we tend to withdraw from everyone.

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When we’re sad, angry, frustrated, feeling hopeless or regretful, most of us would rather be alone. During this time, withdrawing from your social life can be helpful to your mental and emotional health. This is only if you do so for a short period of time. Here are some tips to help you get through your lowest point in life. These should help you feel better and to get back on your feet quicker.

1. Vent Out Your Emotions

If you’ve been holding on to some negative emotions for some time, now is the time to let them out. Give yourself a break. Venting out emotionally also benefits your mind and body. Cry out your sadness, write down your frustrations, eat a whole pint of ice cream while watching a drama, get angry, have a pity feast or do something creative. Just be sure not to do anything you will regret later. Give yourself a day or 2 to go through the process. Let your pent up emotions out but don’t dwell on them for too long.

Since you are emotionally vulnerable during this time, it is better to do this in a place familiar to you. Some people would rather get away to a new place to sort out their emotions. In both cases, it would be helpful to have a friend who understands what you’re going through. They can help you put a lid on things if you do get out of control. Remember though, your friend can only do so much. Only you can get yourself unstuck from your own emotions or mindset.

2. Get a Sense of Reality

When you have vented out your emotions, it’s time to take stock of the actual circumstances as they are. It’s time to “face the music” as the saying goes. Unless you accept the situation as it is, you won’t be able to move on. This is where an understanding friend is most helpful. This should be someone who knows you personally but is not necessarily involved in the situation.

It will be hard for most people to look at things without emotional attachment. A friend can serve as a more objective observer and can help you see things in a broader perspective. In this way, you can have a better understanding of the circumstances. Your friend can also help you see the point of view of the other people involved in the situation.

This is also the time to be grateful for the things that you have. Go over the lessons you have learned and the people who support you. With a better understanding of things, you can start getting clear, and get even more tips on how you can get through your lowest point in life.

3. Start a Plan

With a clearer perspective on things, it’s time to quit feeling sorry for yourself and start to move forward. Ask yourself: What’s the best approach to turn things around? What should be my first step to clarify things or to solve a major obstacle?

Think about the bigger picture and your goals both in the immediate future and for the long-term. What do I need to do to start my journey to my major goal? Are my previous or current plans aligned with my goals? Write down your goals and next steps.

Think carefully about what you should do each day, weekly, etc. to get closer to your goals. Don’t forget to integrate wellness practices into your daily schedule to keep yourself in the right mindset. You might even try to dress differently to make you feel better.

4. Put in The Work

Now that you have a plan, it’s time to put your plan into action. Plan your daily, weekly, monthly schedule. Organize your workspace to help you work more efficiently and be more productive. Make your environment more relaxing by removing clutter. Talk to the people you need to in order to start the ball rolling. Connect with the right people who can help you carry out your goals. Take each day as they come and keep doing what you need to do to move things forward.

While you are putting in the work by connecting with other people, make sure to invest in yourself as well. Take that online course or attend that training. Get the knowledge and skills you need for the next step in your plan.

As you enhance your knowledge and develop your own set of skills, you will also meet new people who will help you grow even more. As you renew your relationships, you will also encounter more tips and ways to get through your lowest point in life.

5. Be There for Someone Else

Moving forward is the only solution to not staying in the situation you don’t like. Sometimes, certain situations still trigger the negative emotions that we want to get out of our system. This makes it hard to focus on our goals and may hinder our progress. What’s the next best thing to do?

Instead of focusing on just your goals, try to reach out to others who need help too. Be there for them even if just to listen to their predicament. When you focus your attention on someone’s else’s problems, you can learn from their experience. You may find inspiration, or even the solution to your own predicament.

Even if you don’t, you will at least feel better knowing that you are not alone with your problems. You are able to make someone feel better just by being a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on. This will help you feel even more grateful for the things you have in your life. You will feel more gratitude for the people and circumstances that allowed you to start moving on from your own low point in life.

These tips are just some of the ways you get through your lowest point in life. If you have been feeling down recently, you should check your overall wellness. If you feel that you can’t handle things by yourself, you should consider getting professional help. A therapist or psychologist can help you so you don’t fall into depression.

Remember that it is normal to experience many low points in your life. But as long as you try to get back up, you will get stronger. The next time you hit a low point in your life; the lessons you learned from the previous experience should help you recover even better than before.

Updated. First published in Pinoy Smart Living on 2019.10.02.
Feature Image: Original Photo by Pixabay from Pexels.

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